Church and Institute Notes from 2018


His Hand is Stretched Out Still by Yongsung Kim

Again, these are my own personal notes :)

January 7, 2018: Identity gives us meaning and purpose. Satan is jealous because he doesn't have a body. The identity of being a child of God gives us reason and purpose. There is more to us than just being men or women.

January 28, 2018: Love is spelled t-i-m-e.

Hymn 140: Did You Think to Pray?

**One of Satan's tools is to imitate the truth.

February 4, 2018: Sometimes we must step out into the darkness and trust the Lord.

Artist Unkown

Men are that they might have joy, not guilt trips. The more you treat the adversary rudely and his minions, the less he'll return. Be careful about judging yourself - we either judge harshly or carelessly. We aren't perfect, we won't be within seconds. But we must try to be - work toward obtaining perfection.

February 11, 2018: I will put the Lord first.

The Lord needs your experiences to help teach others. Instead of beating yourself up about your wrong decisions - you can find it as a blessing that you are able to teach others about not making wrong choices.

We can influence others. 

Try a little hard to be a little better. You can be perfect in certain ways, but by building on things we aren't always perfect in we can become better and wiser.

When viewing others: Look at how amazing they are. Look how hard they are trying. Look where they have come from. Look at what they are doing. Look at how amazing they are. We need to all learn to look at each other this way. Cheering each other on. Because we are all trying. We aren't perfect. We are all learning. We are all amazing. 

Be ye perfect, eventually.

Eventually, we don't need instant gratification (this world makes it seem so, but the Lord's way is patience and over time).

March 2018: Church Notes: Partaking of the sacrament allows us to have the spirit in our lives - Relief Society

March 11, 2018: At some point, the Lord is going to ask us to sacrifice something. Heavenly Father knows what is meaningful to us.

March 18, 2018: The Lord always answers our prayers, if we listen. 

March 22, 2018: Satan doesn't like you. In fact, he hates you. Build your foundation on Christ - 

"The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock." - Children's Song

The Lord is trying to help us feel what true happiness is. We can't do anything without Christ. 

What does a home look like that has built its foundation on Christ?

How will you build your future family on Christ?

April 2, 2018: We need to strive to always remember Him. Jesus is our greatest gift. We need to open our hearts to the Holy Ghost. We are children of God. God sanctifies our most difficult days.

April 22, 2018: LDS people are to be loving people A grateful heart is the beginning of greatness. Think to thank. Sometimes you just have to leave home to find those things we need to be grateful for. Sometimes we take things for granted experiencing them daily. No one else is responsible for your happiness.

May 27, 2018: God doesn't need us but he wants us.

July 15, 2018: Never associate with people who put you down. They don't know what they are talking about.

Everyone will have to be forgiven. You will have to suffer for a certain amount of time to obtain any degree of glory. "Every tongue shall confess." We all have to come clean and be forgiven to obtain any degree of glory.

Don't just focus on the things you have done wrong, focus on the things you have done right.

Light of the World by Howard Lyon

Remember to put Jesus Christ at the center of your life.

September 16, 2018: Ministering - Time for us to live a higher law

What characteristics would you like to have from them to become like Christ? (Alam 27 - Ammonites)

How will you become a "highly favor" of the Lord? We have got to raise our level and prepare for the second coming of Christ.

October 2, 2018: BYU-Idaho Devotional: Wholesome recreation. Satan portrays recreation as mind-numbing (ways to wrap the fade-in cord around us). Does your activity have meaning, resulting in the spirit? 

What you do today is what you are preparing to do tomorrow. Connect with people. You are divine.

October 10, 2018: God will never call us to do anything we cannot do. We must unplug so that we don't miss an opportunity of feeling the Spirit.

October 21, 2018: We are eternal beings. God's plan is for us to get married, and help us become more like our Heavenly Father. 

Don't ignore someone who is working to obtain those attributes.

**Stay on the Covenant Path

We have to be willing to be taught. Invite the Spirit. Love those you teach.

October 28, 2018: Why is the Book of Mormon relevant for our day? Why was the Book of Mormon saved for our time? 

When we prioritize Him, he shows that we are His priority.

November 3, 2018: Stake Conference at BYU-Idaho: 

Speaker #1: In order to receive our blessings we need to be willing to do what we have been asked to do. What does your patriarchal blessing ask of you? We are preparing now for the Savior's return. 

President Nelson has asked us to stay on the covenant path (are you there?).

We are children of God and He is eager for us to return home. When we do what our Heavenly Father asks us to do, he will provide help and strength to do what he has asked us to do.

Speaker #2: The temple is our little slice of heaven. We need to have a CTR (current temple recommend) if you have one go. **Bring your friends and family. Challenge yourself to go more.

Hymn: Sisters in Zion/Bring the World His Truth

Speaker #3: Blessings are based on our obedience. The Lord is hastening his work.

Blessings of the temple: 1. Light and knowledge come to us in the temple through the Spirit. Revelation. 2. Gives us instruction in our life. 3. Serve as a place to show our responsibility for ourselves and others. -- help our spouses, families, and friends. Malachi 4:6 **How can I be more faithful?

Speaker #4: Using social media to help share the gospel in this dispensation. Share the message of God's love (open your mouth)

Speaker #5: We need to gather the elect of the Lord on both sides of the veil.

Speaker #6: If you want the blessings of heaven follow these principles: 1. We must have faith, trust (love && want to be with Him), and confidence in Jesus Christ. 2. Repentance. We must be willing to change. In order for us to get back and be with our Father in Heaven we must change. The sacrament allows us to reevaluate our lives and focus on our path. **Wanting and desiring to change. 3. Obedience. You can't get a blessing without it. 4. Sacrifice. (D&C 97; is about the temple) -- Temple workers.

Go and Be in the Temple

Missionary Work: Light the World (What can you do?)

**Always make time for the Lord

December 2, 2018: Fast and Testimony Meeting: What can I do to help prepare the world for Christ's coming? What are you doing to build your testimony so you can stand where you need to stand? What does tithing mean to the Lord? What does it mean to you?

Repentance isn't easy but it's a blessing. It's a gift and it's beautiful.

Let your light shine this season!

If you woke up the next day with everything you expressed gratitude for, would you have very much?

Who we want to become every day comes through our Heavenly Father.

Think of all the things you are thankful for. 

We have the potential to serve and love and be light in the name of Jesus Christ. Trials help mold and transform us into who we are meant to be. They are not meant to be a punishment. Christ knows how you feel, He has felt it too.

What image do we put on ourselves? Do we try to make people worship us? Do we have God's image on us?

December 8, 2018: Why have you been preserved at this time? What do you have to bare?

Artist Unkown

December 9, 2018: Do you know that you are a child of God? Are you sure of it? Satan will try and break that, he will try and convince you that you are not. He'll try and convince you that you are incapable of love.

Christ knows that we can come to become through the Atonement.

You can find everything you are looking for through God's way, shortcuts won't help you make it. It'll only give you short gratifications not eternal.

When we take upon us the name of Christ, we will be tempted by Satan. Much as the way Christ was/has been.

What is it that I need to be saved from? How can I apply Christ more in my life? What can I do this Christmas?

December 16, 2018: We are here to do the Father's will. The Lord is in the details of your life, along with the major milestones. 

Sometimes the Lord brings us low only to bring us higher.

December 21, 2018: "As a special witness of His holy name, I testify that Jesus is the divine Son of the living God. He will love you, lift you, and manifest Himself unto you if you will love Him and keep His commandments." -Russell M. Nelson


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